1500z Oct 11 to 0500z Oct 12, 2025 (UTC)
AZQP 2025
begins in:
17th Running of the AZQP*
AZQP Awards
Certificates are awarded to all entrants. Print your own customized certificate!
Plaques are awarded to all AZ & Non-AZ entry category winners, the top Canadian station, the top DX station, and the top AZ & Non-AZ Clubs. A minimum of 20 QSOs is required to qualify for a sponsored award plaque. Clubs must submit at least 3 entries to qualify for a plaque.
The AZQP Special Event Certificate is awarded for working the AZQP Bonus Station.
The ARRL-AZ QSL is awarded for working the ARRL Arizona Section Manager, W7RAP.
The K7UGA Special Event Certificate is awarded for working K7UGA during the 2024 or 2021 AZQP.
The AZ-Worked All Counties award manager of the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club will accept your AZQP Cabrillo file with its log checking report as verification of QSOs for the AZ-WAC award.
T1he New Contester Arizona Prickly Pear Cactus Jelly award will be presented to the top AZ new contester and to the top Non-AZ new contester. The New Contester award is open to any station that submits an AZQP log indicating at least 10 QSOs. The station / operator must attest they have never previously submitted a log with more than 10 QSOs to any contest.